Spermo-vite Capsules®

45,000.00 70,000.00


Azoospermia(Dead or Zero Sperm count)
Dosage: 90days 6 packs Spermo-vite 3 Bottles Tee&Tee Detox for Complete treatment.
Oligoospermia (Low Sperm count) Dosage: 70days 4 packs Spermo-vite 2 Bottles Tee&Tee Detox for Complete treatment
Spermo-vite Capsules® well refined herbal Capsules to make dream of having a family achievable within 5- 10 weeks and the results is guarantee within shorts period days good for Azoospermia & Oligoospermia patients.


Product Description

Spermo-vite Capsules® Excellent herbal care for Male Fertility.

Azoospermia(Dead or Zero Sperm count)
Dosage: 90days 6 packs Spermo-vite 3 Bottles Tee&Tee Detox for Complete treatment.
Oligoospermia (Low Sperm count) Dosage: 70days 4 packs Spermo-vite 2 Bottles Tee&Tee Detox for Complete treatment

Product’s Description

Spermo-vite Capsules® well refined herbal Capsules to make dream of having a family achievable within 5- 10 weeks and the results is guarantee within shorts period days good for Azoospermia & Oligoospermia patients.

Spermo-vite Capsules® a new option for couples unable to conceive and perfect natural supplements for donor sperm and IVF.It will reduce the anxiety and stress normally associated with lengthy reproductive treatments should also greatly diminish.

Ultimate potentials benefits of
Spermo-vite Capsules® herbal remedy.

Stimulating testosterone and estrogen hormone secretion .

Excellent herbal Capsules to increases libido, stamina and strength for sexual behavior and functioning of male reproductive organs.

Promotes blood flow to the penis and removes blockages.

Balances hormonal secretion to alleviate problem of low sperm count

It revive and restore dead sperm count and bring them back alive.

It increases the motility,morphology and viscosity tremendously.

Tested and trusted herbal remedy for Azoospermia and Oligoospermia cases.

Spermo-vite Capsules® are safest and effective ways for male infertility 100% recommended daily of key vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants for men.

✅ Made from high stems,roots and extracts of legendary herbs used by herbal healers for thousand of years.

✅ It is safe,effective and natural

✅ Tested & Trusted By Over 2,637 patient in the last two years.

Spermo-vite Capsules® helped many patients and their dream of conceiving came true.

Spermo-vite Capsules® will give you handle your family everlasting joy and happy family.

* 100% natural Organic products.
*Proven Effective with records of success stories.
* 100 % Money back Guarantee

Dosage: Two Tablets two times daily for 75 days

Price# 35,000 / #45,000


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